Q1: It is now clear to me that Labs-of-Time® is the heart of your business concept. Explain again what exactly Labs-of-Time® does and what you mean by 'virtual front-office'?

A1:Labs-of-Time® is a complete set of web applications that facilitates business communication between laboratories and their customers, in particular in the ordering phase and in the reporting process. This is done by interweaving these pre- and post-analytical processes so closely with the analysis phase itself that communication is highly automated and nevertheless acquires a highly personal, customer-specific dimension. By 'front office' we mean the side of the laboratory that is visible to the customer: the employees who speak to clients, take their orders, are responsible for (interim) reporting, etc. Since Labs-of-Time® performs many of these 'desk tasks' ', one can therefore speak of a 'virtual front-office'. Click here for more detailed product information.

Q2:Can you briefly explain what LabCarrier® does exactly?

A2:LabCarrier® is an expert system that guarantees an efficient transfer of analysis results from instruments (and any data acquisition systems). These large amounts of raw data are processed quickly and adequately, after which the results are forwarded to the underlying LIMS. This leads to less error sensitivity, considerable quality improvement and remarkable speed gain. Since analysts save a lot of time, they can use their expertise for more useful things than routinely checking results. Click here for more detailed product information.

Q3:Our lab ICT needs to be updated quickly. Can you take a thorough look at our hardware and software?

A3: Please! Thanks to our many years of broad experience with this problem, we not only understand automation, but also more generally of the processes in - and especially solutions for - a lab. That is why we are also the right discussion partner in this area.

Q4:My laboratory has a website, but it is not yet possible to order laboratory tests electronically. Can you arrange that?

A4:LabWing has your own e-commerce application available, tailored to your wishes and requirements. Call us for an appointment and we can discuss the possibilities.

Q5: You talk about 'matching' research supply and demand. As a laboratory, am I going to lose customers to your system?

A5: No, our LabRdar system enables (potential) clients to better compare suppliers and to objectively determine the price/value ratio within that offer. We are happy to fill your available capacity.

Q6:All wonderful, but how do you actually earn your living?

A6. In many different ways. Firstly, there is the sale of the licenses for our software. Second, we have the time business in consultancy. Third, advertising revenue from www.lablines.com. And ultimately, we expect to generate the largest revenue as an ASP (application service provider) on the web through www.LabWing.com. Our fee in that respect will consist of software service subscriptions and a fee based on the number of transactions realized.