IndustryBecause your customers dispose of numerous means to specify their orders and service requests in Labs-of-Time®, they benefit from far more information and structure in their analysis reports than they ever deemed possible – up to now, for technical reasons, standard LI(M)S (or LIS) systems simply cannot provide these. In whatever playing field you and your stakeholders operate – be it medical or alimentary, engineering or environmental, petro chemistry or pharma – Labs-of-Time® assumes a role which can be undeniably described as ‘sector-specific’. The pages outline some concrete applications of Labs-of-Time® in some of the most important segments of the international laboratory market. The versatility of Labs-of-Time® will prove to be profitable for any type of laboratory, regardless of their vocation, the type of organization they are possibly imbedded in, or the characteristics of the clients or internal stakeholders they receive their assignments and order forms.Obviously, the basic features of Labs-of-Time® remain the same in whatever context the application operates. The main difference is that source and sample vary per sector. Typically, in the health sector, the patient is the source, whereas in food the source would be a batch of goods and in environment a specific site.